Emilie and Charles' internship experiences

Emilie and Charles' internship experiences


Discover the inspiring professional experiences of Émilie and Charles, two of Savignac's talented students, during their respective 1st and 3rd year Bachelor internships, one as Gouvernante at the famous Plaza Athénée and the other as Assistant to the General Manager at the USSIM Vacances group. In these captivating stories, they share their professional journeys, highlighting the unique opportunities and skills acquired, thanks to solid training and unprecedented situations.

Emilie, Gouvernante at the Plaza Athénée for her 1st year Bachelor internship

Once upon a time, the palace of tomorrow...

My Housekeeper internship: responsibilities and projects

The Plaza Athénée is a world reference, the temple of fashion, but above all a perfect harmony between tradition and modernity. I had the chance to see all this during my 4-month internship as a floor manager. I was lucky enough to have a managerial internship, but also lots of responsibilities and projects. Managing customer problems on my floor(s), improving customer satisfaction and updating hotel procedures were my daily missions.

Room control: a daily challenge

Each day was very different, but always started in the same way. Watching how many arrivals and departures to manage, then following very carefully the general governor's briefing on the day's arrivals. We'd talk about each customer: who is he? What's his job? Why are they here? Who are they with? Where are they from? The aim is to get to know the customers so that we can personalize our conversation with them when we come across them later. Then we'd go upstairs and take our turn briefing the chambermaids on important information about the floor.

We had to check all our rooms before the 3pm check-in time. My check took about 15 minutes for a single room and 30 minutes for a suite. Depending on the number of arrivals, this could represent a real challenge: I had to be very reactive and organized to get everything done and maintain the same level of standards and excellence in each room.

The surprises of the palace: an unforgettable day

Sometimes, a very quiet day could suddenly become very dynamic in the space of a call. For example, one day I had a floor with only one arrival, so I was expecting a very quiet day, but the arrival of this very important customer monopolized me for over 6 hours! My teams and I had to change the entire layout of the suite. One by one, we unpacked his 7 suitcases and sent everything to the dry cleaners. There were over 100 items of clothing that the dry cleaners had to iron in less than 2 hours. And when we finished, her assistant arrived and demanded the same attention as the main customer. I had to entrust my floor to another housekeeper in order to remain available for him. I'll remember this emotional day for the rest of my life!

Luxury hotels: a passion

It was all very formative, because I was able to see all the issues and challenges of a Parisian palace. The Plaza Athénée confirmed my decision to continue in the luxury hotel business. I wish everyone an experience like mine in their first year!

Charles, Assistant to the General Manager at USSIM Vacances for his 3rd year Bachelor internship

Diving into the world of marketing and communications

I was heavily involved in managing the company's marketing and communications. I worked on projects aimed at boosting the visibility of our establishments and attracting new customers. What's more, I had the chance to participate in the creation of the graphic identity for our new establishment in the Jura region. It was an exciting experience where I was able to put my creativity and sense of design to good use.

Project management and event organization

In addition, I was in charge of project management and organization for the inauguration of this facility. This enabled me to develop my skills in event planning, coordination and management. Working closely with different teams to ensure the success of this event is a very rewarding experience.

Exploring ICT

Another exciting aspect of my internship was working with a development team. I had the chance to work on the company's website and participate in the integration of different tools and technologies, including artificial intelligence-based solutions. This immersion in the technological field enabled me to broaden my skills and discover new perspectives.

A caring atmosphere at work

Finally, I'd like to emphasize the extremely pleasant atmosphere within the company. The teams I worked with were friendly, dynamic and full of enthusiasm. I felt really fulfilled in this professional environment, where I felt I belonged and where I was encouraged to develop my skills and take initiative.

Adequate preparation for the professional world

Now that I've completed my Bachelor's degree, I'm extremely grateful toÉcole de Savignac for the solid training I received, which adequately prepared me for this internship. The knowledge and skills I acquired throughout my school career are proving to be invaluable assets in my professional life.

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